26 December 2011


Hi random Internet people! I hope you're all having the best of times and eating loads of food, I know I am! If you're jewish or any other that doesn't celebrate christmas then happy end of the year-something something! Still, hope you've been eating loads of food!!

I just wanted to run by with a quick note, I'm on "vacation" at my parents house and my computer is not with me so I had to put my project on-hold until I get back to the computer! Until then I hope you have a nice end of this year and that you all get an awesome start of the new one!

Happy New Easter..or something like that!

21 December 2011

Merry New Year and a Happy Christmas!

Made this "small" christmas decoration! (Click the image to make it larger)

Isn't it pretty?! (Click the image to make it larger)
In the spirit of the holidays I give you this neat little decoration filled with nice goodies that we geeks love!
Don't forget to vote ;)

Have a nice christmas everybody!!

18 December 2011

A small addition

Tiny Mario!! (Click the image to make it larger)
This is a typical move from myself when playing SMW, I always seemed to be ducking when facing Banzai Bill, even in tiny Mario mode! Hilarious! Just wanted to add this small detail to my project for my own joy and memories. I know it's not an exact copy of Super Mario but the colors are all wrong in Minecraft for making him so I kinda improvised with him. Added some, changed some, moved some and things like that. I'm not super pleased about him since he's not an exact copy but I did the best of the situation. What do you think?

Also, don't forget to vote!! The poll is on your right side, takes no time at all to just click an answer, it will make me happy!
(And also, I was too impatient to wait for the world to load more, I apologize for that but I just wanted to make this a quickie and my computer takes forever to load the 'Far' render distance!! Stone age computer)

17 December 2011

Nyan Cat vs. Tac Nayn

Nyan Cat vs. Tac Nayn!! (Click the image to make it larger)
Apparently there was a turtle that spawned ontop of Tac Nayn!
Since it was my birthday (Dec. 16th) I decided to build something just for me! It's so common that people build this in minecraft but I simply adore the Nyan Cat! So here it is!! I see Tac Nayn as Nyan Cat's evil twin and that they have a never-ending battle about which one of them that represents the best breakfast treat! That is probably not even close to the real history of those two but I'm too lazy to actually look it up so I made my own story!

Now, out of curiosity I built the two of them facing each other because I want to know what you viewers of my blog think. Who would win this epic battle between Nyan Cat and Tac Nayn? I made a poll for you on the right side of the entries, go make a vote there and I'll be superhappy! :D I'm not sure myself yet who I think would win but what I think should not change your opinions!

Stop reading and make a vote :D Gogogogogogo!! <3

14 December 2011

Finally something new!

Banzai Bill! (Click the image to make it larger)
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Banzai Bill! Isn't he awesome?! Just look at the size of that, no wonder I hit the roof halfway through. I kinda wish I could make all of the gray colors that is used on him but this game is limited on colored wool so I did the best of it but I think it looks great like this! His mouth is red, I know, but the pink wool is far too light for it to be used here so red was the closest one to the real color!

I am going to add background stuffs later on when I figure out what to do so in the meantime, please ignore all the things behind the pieces I build! I will also add one more thing to this piece when I get to that another time so it's not quite finished yet. What do you think? Is it cool or is it freaking cool?!

This is Project SNES - Part 2! :)

13 December 2011

Back to Square One

Remember this? ;) (Click the image to make it larger)
Yatta! Finally back to where I left off last time, kinda! I was building on the next thing though but that was stopped halfway done because of the "roof" so now I rebuild this thing in a new world with a higher roof so hopefully I'll be able to continue now! As you can tell, I'm no longer in the desert but building ontop of the water instead, there were so much water in this world.

But yeah, I've catched up with myself now so I can continue on for greater things (and there goes some lightning and super thunder outside my building, better save this quickly). The next artwork starts tomorrow! Promise!! It's going to be epic, of course ;) Stay tuned, friends!

So absent!

I made this ugly heart for you guys ^_^
I realize it has gone 5 days since my last post and for that I apologize! I've been spending all weekend with this awful tooth ache from hell. Haven't slept or been able to eat so I went into zombie-mode for a while there. Couldn't concentrate on anything so I've half-heartedly been playing Dragon Age this weekend! I hope you guys are not impatient (like me) and can wait a bit longer for the next SNES update!

To apologize, I made this ugly heart just for you guys! *insert friendly Internet hugs here* Now that I'm on antibiotics for this hellpain, I'm feeling better so now I can get back to beeswax! Updates will come soon!

Happy lucia day all you Swedes! He he.

08 December 2011

Look at my horse, my horse is amazing!

Ohoy Silver, awaaaaaaay! (Get it?! lol) [Click the image to make it larger]
Off topic (duuh, obviously), still not quite finished with my re-build. I almost rage-quit because I had to start over! Impatient is my middle name if you didn't know ;) He he he! Anyway, just wanted to show what I've been doing when not building on the SNES project, I installed a new mod the other day that I freaking love so much! It's called "Mo' Creatures", if you play minecraft it is a must! It adds more creatures (no shit, sherlock) and they are so adorable! You can breed bunnies and kitties, which I've been doing but I seem to fail because my bunnies keeps disappearing! *sadface* There are also new mobs like scorpions and ogres or what the heck that is, scary as shit! Also, there's unicorns and pegasus, rare spawns but I did find a unicorn so I'm going to breed it and hope to get another rare one or something!

Basically, I've been procrastinating with farming and breeding animals! And trying to find a place where it snows but I haven't found one yet, none of the seeds I used have worked. *another sadface* I wanna see snow!! Oh well, I'm sorry for my super delay with the project, I'm going to speed up and get it done so I can show you all my next piece of art that I'm psyched about! :D Stay tuned guys, don't give up on me yet <3

05 December 2011

My new hometown! :)

I welcome you to my town, this is where I will live from now on in this world! It's small and it's cozy, I love it! When I found it most of it was flooded so I just put some ground around the houses and made it prettier. Some neat roads and Lapis lights plus a fence so the people doesn't fall off (need to go around collecting them first since they are all in the ocean already). I haven't done that much to this village but I'll probably do things along the way when I feel like it. So here you go, my town with my villagers that I take care of, more fun with some people around! ;)

Welcome Home! (Click the images to make them larger)

Most NPC villagers are out swimming in the ocean!

Lapis ftw!
I know it ain't pixelart but someone wanted to see the town I found so I just wanted to show it! Working on the SNES project so I can get up to date with myself again! ^^

04 December 2011

MAJOR setback!

Trust me, I'm a doctor! (Click the image to make it larger)
I can't belive that I did it agin, the same mistake that I did when building Bowser. I hit the "roof"! I was building something epic (of course) and I reached the sky limit, which in my opinion is waaaay too low. Notch, fix it! So, I was stupid enough to try and install an outdated mod which will allow me to raise the sky limit in an existing world, obviously it wouldn't work since it's outdated so it crashed my game.

So after re-installing the game I realized I had to do the one thing I didn't want to do, re-do everything! In order to make this other mod work I must create a new world so that I could raise the sky limit to 256 instead of the standard 128. I tried 512 but that lagged the shit out of me. Hopefully 256 will work, must find a new desert so I can build my project all over again.

Until I'm back to where I left off I give you this NPC character I ran into in my new world, I finally found a NPC village with weird Squidward people in it! It looked like he had some sort of a doctor robe on him so he became the village doctor! I am quite pissed right now so I will stay for a bit in this village, help them renovate it since most of it is underwater. Weird. I'll fix up this town and then I'm back to business.

Patience is key.

03 December 2011

Unusual request? Fun!

Dancing bananas with sunglasses! (Click the image to make it larger)

Nikki - Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 4:19AM
I want to make a request for you to build something in Minecraft!
Two bananas! With sunglasses!.. dancing..

I got a request from my friend Nikki, wasn't surprised she would say something like that but it was fun! ^^ Hopefully this was something you had in mind when you thought of two dancing bananas with sunglasses because this is what I saw! If I could make them move around it'd be awesome but this is the best I can do in dance movement! I think it's cute ;3

Project SNES - Part 1

Rex (Click the image to make it larger)
Sharing is caring! Of course, why keep my project a secret when I can simply share it piece by piece so that I'm not the only one that can admire its awesomeness! This might look odd as his tail is not showing but when he walks he moves the tail and so it doesn't show in certain movements. I don't know why I'm explaining this, most people my age should be Super Mario pro's and know this! ;)

This is my new project, I would call it "Project Awesome" but that's simply too obvious. As you can see, I'm not nearly finished, this is just the beginning of something epic! I'm loving this project a lot even if I just thought of it the other day. I will put up a post for each character I build along the way in this project, not sure how much I will do until I feel finished but we'll see. So far, so good!

01 December 2011

My favorite character from SMW!

Bowser! (Click the image to make it larger)
Bowser is no doubt my one and only favorite from Super Mario World so when I had the chance to build it, I went for it. Took me a week straight to make but I absolutely love how awesome it became when finished. I am so pleased with it and I never thought it'd be this huge! I had to dig a hole far down just so it wouldn't hit the "roof" in the sky. Also, it was build in survival mode which is why it took me so long to build. The hole itself took ages! I finished it October 21, 2011.

Will be hard to make anything better after this one, Bowser will always be my masterpiece! :D

I fancy Yoshi!

Yoshi + eggs! (Click the image to make it larger)
This would actually be my second, third, fourth and fifth pixelart as I only made Yoshi from the start and then came up with the idea of giving him some eggs after. I made a green one and thought I could just as well do two more with different colors. Not sure if I'm finished with the Yoshi "corner" as I might add more things later on but I'm satisfied with it so far! All of this was done by October 6, 2011.

The eggs are adorable even though I made them larger than they should be! ^^

My very first pixelart!

1 UP! (Click the image to make it larger)
This mushroom have become a standard piece in the pixelart world but I love it either way. I wanted to start off with a small object and of course I wanted to build this 1 UP so here it is, my first pixelart! Some people have complained about the dots not being right, that it should be centered and look the same on both sides but those people have obviously not played old school Super Mario as this is how it looks like in the actual game! I made this October 3, 2011.

Pretty, isn't it? ;)

Welcome, friends!

Hello and welcome to my new blog. It will only contain pixelart which I have built in a game called Minecraft. I am not the owner of the game, simply a satisfied player of the game. I have a deep love for pixelated art so Minecraft were perfect for me and my overflow of creativity.

I am not sponsored to do this, it's something I love doing. I am a gamer by heart so this will only bring me loads of joy! Now, I hope you enjoy pixelart as much as I do and even though I mostly build pixelart around the Nintendo theme I happily take requests if there are some. I'm not the best at it but the more I practice the better I'll get so don't be hating on the simple ones, I build whatever I want even if it's small and simple.

Share some love in the comment section and let me know what kind of pixelart you want to see in this blog, I might build it if it's not too impossible! :)