03 December 2011

Unusual request? Fun!

Dancing bananas with sunglasses! (Click the image to make it larger)

Nikki - Saturday, December 3, 2011 at 4:19AM
I want to make a request for you to build something in Minecraft!
Two bananas! With sunglasses!.. dancing..

I got a request from my friend Nikki, wasn't surprised she would say something like that but it was fun! ^^ Hopefully this was something you had in mind when you thought of two dancing bananas with sunglasses because this is what I saw! If I could make them move around it'd be awesome but this is the best I can do in dance movement! I think it's cute ;3

1 comment:

  1. "wasn't surprised she would say something like that"
    Psh. You know you love my bananas ;)
