03 December 2011

Project SNES - Part 1

Rex (Click the image to make it larger)
Sharing is caring! Of course, why keep my project a secret when I can simply share it piece by piece so that I'm not the only one that can admire its awesomeness! This might look odd as his tail is not showing but when he walks he moves the tail and so it doesn't show in certain movements. I don't know why I'm explaining this, most people my age should be Super Mario pro's and know this! ;)

This is my new project, I would call it "Project Awesome" but that's simply too obvious. As you can see, I'm not nearly finished, this is just the beginning of something epic! I'm loving this project a lot even if I just thought of it the other day. I will put up a post for each character I build along the way in this project, not sure how much I will do until I feel finished but we'll see. So far, so good!

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