04 December 2011

MAJOR setback!

Trust me, I'm a doctor! (Click the image to make it larger)
I can't belive that I did it agin, the same mistake that I did when building Bowser. I hit the "roof"! I was building something epic (of course) and I reached the sky limit, which in my opinion is waaaay too low. Notch, fix it! So, I was stupid enough to try and install an outdated mod which will allow me to raise the sky limit in an existing world, obviously it wouldn't work since it's outdated so it crashed my game.

So after re-installing the game I realized I had to do the one thing I didn't want to do, re-do everything! In order to make this other mod work I must create a new world so that I could raise the sky limit to 256 instead of the standard 128. I tried 512 but that lagged the shit out of me. Hopefully 256 will work, must find a new desert so I can build my project all over again.

Until I'm back to where I left off I give you this NPC character I ran into in my new world, I finally found a NPC village with weird Squidward people in it! It looked like he had some sort of a doctor robe on him so he became the village doctor! I am quite pissed right now so I will stay for a bit in this village, help them renovate it since most of it is underwater. Weird. I'll fix up this town and then I'm back to business.

Patience is key.

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